Friday, March 27, 2020

Schedule What Matters

In times of uncertainty knowing what we can count on becomes even more important than ever before.  Creating a schedule for what matters is all it takes to establish more routine, more predictability, more expectation and more success.

We can work backwards.  What would you like to say that you accomplished at the end of the day?  Some of my must haves are exercise, tracking food, meditating, eating quality meals, drinking water, organizing in my house, finding a calmer mindset, practicing a gratitude attitude. 

I can say that if the whole day goes by and I haven't done these basic things, I will not be happy about how I spent (wasted) my time.  I also don't have to have every moment be significant.  Yes, it is possible to let loose and just "waste time" watching a silly tv show.  Letting off some steam is enormously stress relieving t in uncertainty. 

Today I asked some members what it is that they are happy about.  I heard about time with family, creating a pretend commute to get outside before working, connecting with friends online, having a kitty cat to cuddle....  These things are basic, cost nothing but have the power to mean everything.

This week, create your TO DO list with the positive intention of taking good care of your whole self, i.e. your mind, your body, your heart.  Prioritize what matters most to you, and make sure that gets done so that when you go to bed, you know you showed up for yourself and what matters the most to you. 

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