Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Consistency --A Treasured Thing

I used to watch the Today Show many years ago.  This was back in the day when Jane Pauley and Bryant Gumble were the anchors.  I also remember the episode when Jane was leaving the show, and I recall Bryant leaning over to hold her hand, and he said "consistency--a treasured thing."  It is true in relationships--personal and professional.  We know what to expect, and we can rely on that expectation to set the tone.  It is comfortable.

The same is true when it comes to cultivating a healthy lifestyle.  Consistency pays off because we know what we are supposed to be doing, and we know the benefits that will come from it.  Consider regular meal times.  If you eat at regular intervals (every three to four hours) you know that you have something to look forward to.  You know if you can hang on a little bit longer because dinner is almost here.  Alternatively, if you have just eaten, you know that you probably aren't physically hungry and shouldn't be trolling the cabinets.  You might be emotionally hungry or boredom hungry or maybe your meal was insufficient. 

When it comes to habits like exercise or meditation or taking a brain break from your desk, consistency is just as important.  It provides the framework to schedule the day.  It gives you breathing space to let off steam and regroup at regular intervals.  This reduces pressure and increases productivity. 

Another great benefit of practicing consistency is that your goals are more likely to be achieved.  You stick to your plan.  You don't deviate because you let yourself get talked out of going to the gym after work.  Instead, you go to the gym and plan happy hour on a different day.  This serves you well because your consistency at the gym has big benefits.  Feeling better physically.  Feeling accomplished.  Sleeping better.

This week, practice being consistent with your eating, your exercise, your meditation, your gratitude attitude, your dog walking. 

Consistency--a treasured thing--and so are you.

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