Thursday, July 5, 2018

Consider the Best Version of Yourself for Now

This topic of compare and contrast came up this week.  It's a tough one to win because when we compare ourselves to others, we inevitably find that some people have more than we do--that some things appear easier for others--that some people have better "luck" than we do, etc.  In fact, all of that might be true.  But, that doesn't matter, because what is also true is that far, far more people have much less than we do.  Let's take a lesson from the yoga mat--and observe without commenting even in your head.  Take note without letting your mind jump to a conclusion, judgment or comparison.  It's a practice, and it will take lots of practice because the mind wants to swing from one thought to another, make sense of the world, even things out although that process is fatiguing and unfulfilling.

One thing I have learned in the past fourteen years of health coaching is that every single one of us carries plenty of burdens, visible or not.  None of us will ever be as young as we are right now.  We all can strive and succeed in getting more of out life, ie. more good health, energy, activity, risk, fulfilling relationships, self satisfaction, self confidence and self esteem.  There is nothing standing in our way other than time.  It takes time to cultivate a self-care lifestyle and preplan meals and snacks and get exercise and manage stress without eating.  It takes effort to keep going when frustration sets in.  But, wait for it, frustration is part of life and very much part of self improvement. 

So, for now, and just now, let's consider the best version of yourself.  No need to compare yourself to who you were in your 20s or what you looked like in high school.  Consider yourself whole and complete for now, in this moment.  Is it a proud moment?  Is it a disappointing one?  Is there more you'd like to have?  And, then let it rest.  Notice what it is like to consider yourself in the power of now without the depression of the past or the anxiety of the future encroaching.  This might free up your mind to listen to your heart and rediscover the best of yourself.  That is the best motivation of all.  You are worth it.

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