Thursday, March 15, 2018

Bouncing Back is Realistic

Goals are great, but sometimes, no matter how "SMART" they are (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely) we don't always end up where we'd like to be.  That doesn't necessarily mean the goal isn't worthwhile.  It may mean that a moment to regroup or "bounce back" is in order.  This is normal and to be expected throughout the weight loss journey, just like it is normal throughout your family life and your career.

The more I coach adult learners to keep pursuing their healthy lifestyle, the more I realize we all need the reassurance of a "do over."  We give it to our kids.  We encourage them to try, try again until they get where they want to go, but as adults, we often forget that we can do the very same thing.   We just do it for ourselves.

Throughout the day, there are so many thoughts racing through the brain.  Lots of them come in and out so quickly, but sometimes the negative ones take over and keep looping,  It is precisely at those times that we benefit from realizing, we are not at a stopping point but at a regrouping point--or even a pause.  The "pause" is gaining traction in mindfulness circles.  Books are being written about its benefits.  Maybe we are actually at an in between place, i.e. somewhere we don't want to be--but don't know and/or are not ready to move forward.  That's ok too.  Just because we are adults does not mean we have all the answers.  It only means we have all the responsibility for our actions.  Pausing in your mind, pausing in your workout, pausing between inhalation and exhalation makes life worth living.  Consider music--if there were no pauses between notes, it would sound like noise, but because of the breaks, we can enjoy it.

This blogpost is sounding a lot like "what is down is up; and what is up is down."  Being perfect is not a happy pursuit.  Being imperfect and accepting that imperfection, but getting back to goals, dreams, wishes certainly is.  That's what your lovely life is made of, after all.   

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