Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Clear the Path to a Healthy Life

Physical clutter, visual clutter, emotional clutter--they all take a heavy toll on our lives.  These things literally weigh us down because we become frustrated and overwhelmed at the sight of "stuff" that we may not need, don't know what to do with, can't bear to part with.  We become upset when we have emotionally challenging thoughts occupying too much space in our brain to cope with the tasks of daily life.  In the end, all of these obstacles both real and imagined make life more difficult and can lead us to feel helpless.

We are not our possessions.  Yes, we care about maintaining a comfortable home, but we are not our furniture or our housewares or our kitchen appliances.  We care about having clothing that fits and makes our us feel like we are putting our best foot forward.  Yet, how many clothes do we need?  How many pairs of black pants can the closet hold?  How many things have been bought with the wish that "someday they will fit..." yet someday hasn't come in years?

It's a worthy project to dedicate some time to clear the clutter, starting with something small and manageable like a closet or a desk.  Set the timer for l5 minutes and do what you can.  Do not leave the room.  Designate a pile for stuff to keep, stuff to toss, stuff to donate.  When the timer goes off, you can move on with your day. After enough of these 15 minute increments, the load will be much lighter.  The sight lines will be cleaner, and the weight of storing extra stuff will be lifted.

I moved houses four weeks ago,  I am still clearing out clutter.  As I unpack boxes, I am tossing and donating car loads of things that I don't need and that I forgot I had.  Clearly I had too much.  It is making me feel like I have swept the cobwebs of my mind.

I have what I need.  I have what I want.  It is enough.

This theme is  incredibly important with our eating as well.  Of course it is connected.  When I have what I need and what my body requires, and I make it enough, I am nourished and satisfied.  This is a worthy pursuit.

The next time you sit down to a meal, prepare it well with yourself in mind.  Take a look at your plate and appreciate the colors of your produce, the smells of your food and take the time to enjoy it.  Relax and enjoy all of it, engaging all of your senses.  Be aware that you are eating, nourishing, enjoying.  Then move on with a clear and clean path to your day.

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