Tuesday, August 27, 2019

You Have to Sleep, and You Have to Eat

Sleeping has been so underrated in the past.  I think this is partly because even scientists don't understand all the reasons why sleep is so restorative and beneficial to the body and mind, which it is.  Your cells renew themselves as you sleep--that's going down to the micro level.  Your skin looks better after a good night's sleep.  Your muscles and bones get a rest from any stress or strain you placed on them.  You can perform better, because you gave your body a well-deserved break.  Your mind has a chance to unravel and somehow process thoughts and contemplate decisions even though you are not conscious.  This is to name but a few of the benefits.

On the other hand, if you don't make time for good, quality sleep, it won't happen because your life and mine are full of other distractions, like electronics and other people in the household and chores, etc.  Someone told me last week that she sets a timer to go to bed.  Yes, you read that right--she has to make sure it happens at a regular time every night.  This is part of good sleep hygiene, i.e. getting into a routine of quieting the body and mind at the end of the day, limiting electronics and other sources of strong stimulation which could keep you wakeful.  Think of the night-night rituals parents create for their babies.  It's a slow and steady transition from wakefulness to comforting routines to bedtime. 

As adults, nothing happens unless we make it happen, and this is where "the cold, sharp knife edge of accountability" comes in.  We have to respect the fact that sleep hygiene is healthy and worthwhile and critical to hormone balance, brain and body function and even happiness. 

In the same vein, making good meals is also our responsibility.  Taking time, making time, carving out time to do it is part of being successful.  When life gets hectic and complicated, we don't slow down long enough to contemplate good choices or prepare healthy meals.  Instead, we move to the easiest option available, like a drive-through or a coffee shop with "hot dairy queen" coffee drinks full of sugar and saturated fat plus a scone while we are at it.  We are so preoccupied anyway, we forgot we were working hard to count points accurately and stay focused on our goals.  It happens to the best of us. 

We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day.  How we use that time to make our lives worthwhile is up to us.  We have to sleep every day.  Count those hours and how many you really need to thrive.  We have to nourish ourselves.  We cannot lose and maintain weight without eating well most often.  How long does that take?  We have to work (most of us anyway) so count those hours.  How many hours are left for self care, hobbies, family time?  If your days are upside down with have to's and stress, there is no room for good sleep or eating well, and that is not going to work.

This week, set a goal for yourself to make the basics--the things your parents took care of for you--a priority, so that you can feel rested and restored, nourished and fulfilled.  You have one precious life, and this is it.  You deserve to feel good while you are living it.

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