Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Myths about Weight Loss

There are many myths about weight loss that keep us from achieving our goals.  A few of the damaging myths I hear include the following:

1) Weight loss is too hard.
2) Adult metabolism is keeping me from losing.
3) I can't do it because I'm surrounded by temptation all the time.

I am still taking inspiration from the Rio Olympics where the athletes worked SO hard to achieve their dreams of performing at their peak on the world's stage.  A big part of their success comes from the positive mental rehearsing they had to do, in order to work so hard, for so long.  We can use that very same tool to stay focused and positive in our own lives.  We can silence the negative thoughts that get in the way.  This is so important because what we think energizes what we do.  Our thoughts becomes our words.  Our words become our beliefs.  Our beliefs become our actions.  Our actions become our habits, routines and lifestyle.

Let's start at the beginning. WHAT DO YOU WANT?  Think about this long and hard.  What do you REALLY want to come from weight loss efforts?  WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT TO YOU?  This is also key.  If you have reasons to change your behavior, then you have motivating personal power to do the work.  HOW CAN YOU REBOUND FROM SETBACKS?  This matters.  No path to success is free of set backs--that's not normal or realistic.  However, you can recover from minor setbacks--and even major setbacks by deciding that you will.  That's it.  You go back to the beginning and ask the loaded question:  WHAT DO YOU WANT?  

Showing up for your life is work.  No doubt about it.  It is effort and energy to achieve personal goals.  However, the reasons behind these goals make the work manageable.   Work is not always fun. If it were, we would not call it work.  Our ancestors weren't afraid of hard work.  They didn't know anything else.  Life was difficult and physical for them.  There were few instantaneous rewards or instantly gratifying moments.  In our modern world, we have become accustomed to "McQuick" efficiency for practically everything.  The rub is that McQuick efficiency is not realistic when it comes to self improvement.  It takes time to gather the courage to make a change and to "show up" for your life.  It takes passion and discipline and effort.

This week, focus on showing up for your life.  Focus on the effort it takes to be successful with your food, fitness and fulfillment.  Imagine your success.  Expect to achieve your success.  Love your precious moments knowing that YOU did it because YOU wanted to.  

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