Thursday, October 22, 2020

Get What You Really Want

There is so much distraction going on in our world today.  Social media (excuse me, even this blog) and political or pandemic news in addition to everyone's opinion about every subject take a toll.  If you find that you are losing more than you are gaining (in the good way) from this overload, it's time to step back and reconsider what you wish to be consuming (literally and figuratively).

To this end, consider what it is about your life that brings you more happiness or contentment--what keeps you curious and interested.  Maybe things like connecting with family and friends or practicing hobbies, playing with pets, etc. are some of what rises to the top of your mind.  Now drill down on this concept a little more.  Think about what you actually control in your day that brings you joy and keeps you going.  Is it a wonderful cup of coffee or tea in the morning as you consider what you are grateful for?  Is it walking in the woods?  Is it reading your favorite author?  Is it a great dinner with loved ones?   

To put it another way, what are the things that you are in charge of (no matter what the weather, the pandemic) that make your day feel worthwhile?  Those are the things that deserve more intention and attention, because those are precisely the things that will help you thrive this season. 

Now, embrace your power.  Your thoughts are your power.  Choose to focus on the positive ones.  

Your actions are your power.  By focusing on positive thoughts, you then engage in positive actions.  

Your wishes that come from your heart are your power.  If your phone went dead, and your computer quit working--you still have the power, because the power comes from your heart.  That itself is something to be grateful for today.  

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