Thursday, December 19, 2019

Holiday Check in? How are You NOW?

In the flurry of holiday activities, let's come back to what is real.  You are real.  Your body is real.  Your thoughts are real even if they aren't helpful.  Your heartfelt wishes are real.  Let's be clear.  You are not your body or your thoughts or your wishes, but they do matter.  In fact, they matter regardless of the day of the month, week or year. 

With this point, consider what needs to happen for you to enjoy the last two weeks of this year.  If holiday time is one of your favorite times, then this is easy.  Pace yourself and keep going.  If you are not quite into the festive spirit, now is the time to find things to appreciate. Maybe it something simple like looking at lights at night or enjoying a special tea and a good book or sitting in a hotel lobby amidst the hubbub.  If this is NOT your favorite time for whatever reason--alternative Christmas, then your focus might be to just get through it.  That's ok too.  Get distracted.  Maintain routine, and be kind to yourself.  Time marches on either way. 

Acknowledging how you are this time of year is very important.  You don't have to be happy if you're not or excited if you're deflated or worried about finances.  Not everyone is holding hands and singing carols around the Christmas tree.  (As if!)   I remember the Christmas when I was in the middle of my divorce, and soon to be ex husband was still living in the house.  It was horrible.  I couldn't even bring myself to send out cards, which I love to do.  It was tough slogging, but I had to do it for my daughters, so I did.  And, presto change-o we all got through it. 

One thing everyone can do, right now, in this moment, which is where the power is--the present moment--is to give yourself the gift of self care awareness.  You can, right now, take note of how you feel in your body--rested? fatigued? borderline ill?  You can take note of how you feel in your mind--distracted? overwhelmed?  contented?  And you can take a good long look at what you hold dearly in your heart--the very best of you.  What lies there?  What are your heartfelt wishes for yourself?  Consider what comes up even if it makes no sense.  Sit with those things for a bit.  If you feel that your heartfelt wishes are far away in the future, then acknowledge that it may be a process.  If you feel that your heartfelt wishes are actually coming to you, be very appreciative of that too. 

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas, happy Chanukah however it pleases you.

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