Friday, July 5, 2019

Holiday or No Holiday--You are in Charge

July 4 is barely in the rear-view mirror.  Maybe it was another day off in an entire week's break from work or maybe it was a staycation stand-alone day--or part of a long weekend--it doesn't matter.  A holiday or a vacation/staycation is no excuse not to keep taking good care of yourself in body, mind and spirit. 

To some, I know this sounds "woo woo."  However, it is so basic, that we missed the plot.  We all benefit from doing the many things it takes effort to do--to keep ourselves going.  We owe this to ourselves and our families and our coworkers.  It's not fair to give it all away at work and then come home exhausted and too tired for the home team.  Nor is it acceptable to stay up too late and watch netflix and then show up at work with zero brainpower for the day. 

Let's consider other versions of "not showing up" which would look more like this--not shopping for groceries because it is a holiday weekend, because you are too tired anyway and then thinking you'll be grabbing food out.  Another version of not taking good care of yourself is not moving your body--at least some every day.  Truth be told, your body wants to move around and be outside.  It's your mind telling you otherwise.   Not making time to ease into a sleep ritual and then making time for quality, uninterrupted restorative sleep is also a version of not showing up for yourself.  Sleep is critical to your health, metabolism, hormone function, etc.  What about your hobbies and interests?  These are things that you like because you do, and when you participate in them, you feel renewed, energized, involved and happier?  Happiness begets good health.  We benefit from doing things that bring more happiness to our lives.  What about managing stress?  Letting things beyond your control make you upset by activating the adrenalin/cortisol fight/flight/bite response is unhealthy and very fattening.  I can't forget to mention one of the most important self-care pursuits of all--shifting the mindset.  This happens all the time, everywhere.  We have to talk ourselves down from unhelpful thoughts and retrain the focus to what is helpful.  This job will never be done because you never know when something might happen to thwart your positivity.

All this is to say that no matter what day of the week, month or year, you deserve the very best you can get for your precious life.  If you are finding yourself at a turnaround moment, then do just that--turn yourself around and realize you can begin again.  This is one of life's best lessons for the adult in all of us.  Celebrate that!

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