Thursday, October 4, 2018

How Do You Want to Feel

If you often eat based on how you feel, why not exercise based on how you would like to feel?   For example, what if you'd like to feel more relaxed or energized or stronger?  You might think about matching a relaxing activity like yoga, qigong or easy walking.  If you are looking for more energy, you might consider spin class, jogging or bootcamp.  If you are looking for strength, that could be a weight training class or kick boxing. 

Exercise, fitness, activity, moving more--it all means the same thing:  the body is in motion.  This is a critical part of our wellness plan.  Moving the body is the best way to dump stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) from the system.  Moving the body gives the mind a much needed break.  It allows the mind to stop jumping from one thought to another, which can feel exhausting.  Moving the body gives us more body confidence and a sense of accomplishment.  We can use that goodwill to inform food choices and stay focused on goals.

The good thing is that we don't have to commit hours to fitness to get the benefits.  We can commit bits of time, because ten minutes here and ten minutes there adds up to twenty minutes of fitness that we might not otherwise commit to.  Some effort is always better than none.  It all adds up.  It all counts. 

It makes sense to find activities you like.  The more you like what you are doing, the more likely you are to continue doing it.  That seems obvious.  But, what if you are one of those people who really doesn't like exercise?  You can do it anyway.  Just find what you dislike the least, and try it for ten minutes.  Find a buddy to participate--like a walk during work?  An accountability partner might just make this happen. 

Weight loss comes from healthy food choices, mostly.  This is key component in creating a healthy lifestyle.  Another key component to a healthy lifestyle is adding more steps, more fit breaks, more activity to daily life.  It's worth the effort because your goals are worth the effort. 

Move a little more, and notice how it makes you feel.  Then, keep going!

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