Friday, February 16, 2018

Take Weight Watchers With You Wherever You Go

This post is coming a bit late because I just got back from a 24 hour whirlwind trip to New York City.  I got to see the WW Corporate Office.  (Sorry, no Oprah sightings)  I was there along with four other WW cruise staff and three WW leaders who traveled the cruise as members, to film a video promotion about the upcoming WW cruise (May 5-12) in the Caribbean. 

I was reminded yet again how easy it is to travel and eat out when you are with like-minded people. Going out to a restaurant was easy because the coordinator chose a place that had a wide ranging menu with lots of healthy options.  Second, we all understood each other.  We are all on FreeStyle, and we all wanted it to work.  Third, no judging.  My friend, John, ordered fries with a burger but no cheese.  That's the freedom that comes from FreeStyle.  You can work your points and your zero points to make room for what matters. That got me to thinking about how much everything feels better when you are with like-minded people. 

When we went to the WW Corporate Office, I saw two pieces of fruit on lots of desks.  Smart.  There was fruit by the free coffee bar (yes, fancy) and WW snacks around.  That doesn't mean every single person is counting SmartPoints, but it certainly was easy to do if you tried.  When lunch was brought in, there were water bottles, two kinds of vegetarian salads plus grilled chicken strips on the side and balsamic vinaigrette.  Smart again.  I so appreciated the ease of doing the right thing.

We need accountability partners.  We need like minded people wherever we go to help us along.  I count on my OrangeTheory coaches to keep my workouts interesting, fun and worth my time.  I count on my fellow WW coworkers to weigh me and give me advice and help make sense of life-long journey of good health.  I count on my inner circle of family and friends to tell it to me straight.  I appreciate that.

If we are going to create a healthy lifestyle, we are going to do it one moment at a time, one day at a time...and we are going to need help and encouragement along the way.  We all benefit from the kindness, advice, coaching and camaraderie that comes from knowing we are not alone at this. 

That is something we can all manage.

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