Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Where Does Time Go

We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day.  Some days it feels like the day is just flying by--in a good way.  Other days, it feels like the day is barely moving--in a bad way.  When we are engaged in activities that please us, with people we enjoy, our impression is that time is moving too fast.  When we are unhappy or dealing with difficult jobs or waiting in the emergency room with someone very ill, our impression is that time is crawling.  

How we value our time is another aspect of how we perceive its passing.  For some, time IS money.  
Those people are not "wasting" their time on things that aren't financially profitable.  On the other hand, there is a book titled "Your Money or Your Time" meaning what do you value more?   Perception is reality.  We get to decide.

As adults, we have so many responsibilities from work, family activities, house projects, financial obligations, self care--it leaves little time for sleep, fun, hobbies or entertainment.  However, we all benefit from seeking and creating a more balanced distribution of our time.  That means that more often than not, we find time to balance our responsibilities with a burst of "ME TIME" with no guilt attached. Even a ten minute walk without the pressure of answering the phone can refine the day. Going to bed, although there is laundry to do, might also serve to add balance.  Eliminating time wasters like too much social media can also help reclaim valuable "ME TIME."

Creating balance allows us to de-stress.   In the technology age, we suffer from chronic stress that keeps cortisol flowing.  Cortisol makes us crave junky foods, store fat around the middle and experience more ailments, viruses, depression and anxiety.  We owe it to ourselves to look at our priorities and make sure that we place high value on "ME TIME."  In doing so, we bring the powerful and restorative good energy back to where it belongs.  We feel better.  We become more positive.  We didn't gain more time, but we did redistribute it more effectively.  That counts.

Self improvement takes focus, desire, effort and precious time.  Make time so that you can succeed at what you prioritize this week.  

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