Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A Lesson from the Solar Eclipse

On Monday August 21, 2017, the "once in a lifetime" opportunity to see the solar eclipse in the continental United States came and went.  I knew I would be working at the time, but I decided I was going outside to see what all the fuss was about.  I don't know much about astronomy, but anything that might happen once in a lifetime automatically merits attention.   My uncle, a retired physicist, sent the special glasses and a solar eclipse guidebook explaining what to expect.  In this book, I read about how ancient peoples viewed the solar eclipse with fear because they thought the end was near.

I stood in the parking lot with other "sky gazers" and watched through some cloud cover as the shadow of the moon passed over the sun--and eclipsed it.  In Minnesota, it was 83% eclipsed.  Afterwards I was listening to the radio when people from all over the country were talking about their experiences.  Poets were writing poetry.  Astrophysicists, scientists, school teachers, librarians, thrill-seekers were absorbing it.  In the evening, I saw photos of friends around the country experiencing the eclipse.  Truth be told, I love the snaps of people in their special glasses looking up.

This whole experience made me think of two things specifically.  One, it was a great moment for a lot of people in the continental United States to anticipate and then participate in something so "other-worldly" from "outer" space.  It wasn't a reality tv show or you tube video.  It was real, and it has been going on forever...just not all that often.  This event directed our energy and focus upward (as in positive and hopeful).  This reminded me of when my daughter and lots of other readers of all ages were consumed with the Harry Potter books.  I didn't read them myself, but there was a time when it seemed like the whole world was concentrating on the same thing.

The other thing this eclipse made me reflect on is that while the dark (shadow of the moon) was eclipsing the light--the sun was still shining just as brightly as it always does.  It was just as hot and just as normal as usual, but only a tiny "collar" of yellow light or a crescent was visible.  We didn't have to be scared that the light wouldn't return.  We knew how quickly this would pass.

As we move through life, there is too much that is fake that is pulling our attention away from what is real.  It ends up feeling unfulfilling.  While it might sound like a fun idea spending time on social media, too much time on social media leaves us empty.   It actually takes something away.   By returning to the things that are important, the people who are significant, the activities that give us joy, we return to the heart.  The heart is real.  We return to a source of happiness that cannot be duplicated.

When we are happy, we want more for ourselves.  When we are happy, we seek out other happy people and attract them effortlessly.  We want more of that great energy  When we are happy, we are more resilient and can cope with stress and unexpected setbacks.  When we are happy, we don't dwell on the darkness and forget that there is light behind it because we are grounded in the knowledge that darkness chases light while light chases darkness.  Things are always shifting.  That is the natural order of life just like the yin/yang symbol.

Misery will eventually force us to make a change.  We can't take it anymore.  However, it is happiness that keeps us motivated to continue.  I encourage everyone to slow down long enough to notice the wonderful moments, big and small, that come along in the course of a day.  From the ritual of the morning coffee to the accomplishment of a great workout, to the bliss of a gentle yoga class, to the time spent walking the dog to cultivating the summer garden and to the people who make it all worthwhile, take a moment to notice what you are surrounded by.  Take a moment to savor the things that make your days special no matter how small they seem to be.  Grand moments, big, fancy vacations, once in a lifetime trips are occasional.  The everyday is what we get most often.  For that reason, we deserve to make it more than just work and obligation and chores.  We deserve to cultivate a happier, more contented lifestyle so that we can attract exactly what we really want.  Our heart is the arrow, literally the direction that will guide the way.  The mind will govern our actions.  The body will bring the energy to take it on.  

Choose more happiness for your day, for your life, for your people, for your heart's desire.  It is healthy.

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