Monday, May 2, 2016

Positive Self Talk

Last week I asked a group about the negative tape that so often plays in our heads.  Every person in the group shared something rather dramatic and very negative about the tape running through their heads.  As each person did this, the rest of the room listened intently and stared in disbelief.  We were looking around at a room full of accomplished people and were surprised to hear what people were thinking.  In most cases, in fact, we were thinking the exact opposite.

It got me thinking about how what we project to the outside world--confidence, positive self esteem, accomplishment and competence may NOT at all be the case on how we are feeling inside.  This matters because we do NOT want to be playing negative tapes that waste valuable energy that could be spent on positivity.

Life can be hard.  There is always something extra to do or think about or organize or accomplish. Multitasking is the name of the game.  Responding right away is also part of what others expect these days.  That can feel like a lot of pressure and stress.  Let's combat that negativity with positive thoughts which will lead to positive feelings and actions.

A racing mind is a sign of stress.  One of the best ways to combat this is to take frequent breaks from technology and work and let some positive images and affirmations in.  This could include a short walk from your desk or a moment to take some deep breaths for a minute or two.  This dials down the pressure and lets the mind recover.

Life is too short to give in to negativity.  It robs us of living in the moment--another way of thinking of mindfulness....which means one thing attention with no judging or comparisons.

I can be guilty of this too.  On occasion, I can get down on myself and feel "less than."  It is a path to real misery that serves no one.  So I work hard on bringing myself back into the moment and focus on the positive.  If I want something different for myself, then I can make a manageable plan.

A work in progress takes time, but it does not take more effort than one has to give.  That's impossible anyway.  It takes acceptance, attention, no judging and courage.  Courage to be yourself as you are today.  No more and no less.

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