Sunday, June 7, 2015


The next three months in Minnesota, June, July and August are the best three months of the whole year, in my mind.  I try to pack in as much fun, joy, biking, sunning, walking at the lake by my house, as I possibly can.  I want to make the most of it, because I enjoy this time of year so much.  I am happier when it isn't so cold, when the flowers are in bloom, when it is easier to cope with life.
Because the weather is so much better, and it is easier to get out and about, we are focusing this week on being active and making it fun.  As kids, running around the neighborhood all day was fun.  Riding bikes, climbing hills, chasing neighbors were activities that kept us busy, occupied and active.  As adults, many of us have lost that sense of "play" and fun.  As adults, we associate eating and drinking with fun.  Given all the sedentary time spent at the desk with technology, this makes no sense.  Our bodies are meant to move.  We feel better when we are in motion.  One of my members has been on a recliner for 6 weeks after foot surgery, she can attest to how good it feels to just move.   
Let's make it happen now.  Let's create a list of "SUMMER FUN" --the activities that you want to have happen by Labor Day.  This list might include vacation, staycation, trips up north to the cabin, kayaking, biking, paddle boarding, canoeing, weekend road trips, farmers' markets, state fair, gardening, family reunion... and what else?  Once you realize how many things you might want to have happen in the next three months, you might notice it will be a busy three months, trying to get it all in.  

This leads us back to the importance planning plays in our success.  If you want these things, you've got to plan your schedules and follow through on the plan.   At which point, the reward will be great. Your life will be richer for having created just what you wanted.  Mission accomplished!

What turns a "wish list" into an "action plan" is prioritizing the list and then making it happen.  We don't have to wait until a magic moment when life is perfect to wear a bathing suit or ride a bike or try kayaking.  We can take chances right now.  I call this "showing up for your life."  It's our responsibility to make the most of ourselves.  By making the most of each day, we create a much more enjoyable journey of self improvement, health and wellness.  

Get out and enjoy this precious life.  It's yours.  Make the most of it.

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