This word is coming up a lot lately: resiliency. It means that we weather the storms of life, to the best of our ability-and come out of the storm with renewed vigor. It does not mean we suffer through, endure and complain. I like thinking of this "virtue" because it applies to everyone. Everyone suffers life's blows, but not everyone emerges stronger than before. Instead of hoping that nothing bad ever happens, we might be better served by practicing our rebounding/recovery skills.
There is a new commercial by Procter and Gamble for the Winter Olympics. It is about moms encouraging their children to keep going despite the odds. We see a child skiing with an artificial leg and another child ice skating with patched up skates. These messages remind us that nothing is perfect, but that doesn't have to stop anyone from succeeding. Of course, the undying love of a good mom pushes the theme along.
With 2018 upon us, and all the reminders to recommit to health, wellness, fitness, organization, order, calm, etc. it is nice to be reminded that no matter how much we truly desire these things, no one said it would be easy. Working towards good health is a moment by moment, day by day worthy pursuit. That doesn't mean we won't have setbacks no matter how hard we try. It means we keep trying. Resiliency. Intentions sound good, but without the good, old-fashioned hard work it takes to achieve them, they are nothing. Actions. Being active is required of us in this technology age. Computers keep life "convenient" and very fattening. We have to find a work-around to counteract the damage. Drive. Seeking calm in the eye of the storm is a life skill that gets developed by being in the eye of the storm. Experience.
Someone asked me what my new year's resolution was. I told her it is to eat the food in my refrigerator and not waste. She replied that she never wastes food. As for me, this is an effort to be sure to eat the food I have and not let it go bad. I am doing well so far. Some day I hope this is not a resolution but a life style. I heard a fitness expert on tv say that her resolution is not to complain. She had to get up at 3AM to be on Good Morning America, and she said--no complaining about getting up--I get to be on tv! Perspective. Everyone has to do things they don't particularly enjoy because of what those efforts get them. Keep your eye on the prize.
Good health, however, is not a resolution. It is a daily commitment to yourself to do the right thing mostly right, most of the time. We know some days are better than others. We know some days are not as bad as they might have been in the past. No matter what, we keep going as we accumulate more life experiences and more wisdom. We gain perspective and become more resilient.
Practice your resiliency skills this week and see yourself in situation you may not particularly like but that you can emerge from even stronger. This mom says yes, you can.
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