Thursday, January 18, 2018

Create a Spark

When it comes to weight loss, misery will get us started on making a change.  Tight underwear, strangling pants...uncomfortable feelings after eating too much of the wrong thing...seeing photos that are not complimentary...those are the "sparks" that get us motivated initially to finally do something.  If we were happy, we wouldn't bother.  To continue on the path to healthy changes, however, misery doesn't motivate.  Feeling good about the choices, the sense of accomplishment, seeing the results, etc. is what keeps us going.

My challenge to everyone this week is to create a spark.  Try something brand new to get out of your comfort zone.  Just by pushing outside your bubble, you are taking a risk that has the potential of reaping reward.  For example, trying a new fitness class for this first time could do it.  What if you didn't know that you like zumba or oula or chi gong?  What if you didn't know you could do yoga but not like the pretzel models in Yoga Journal magazine.  You can do yoga your way?  What might that feel like?  What about trying a new food or recipe for the big game on Sunday?

By stepping away from the tried and true, we are opening ourselves up to new experiences and new possibilities that create a feeling of goodness.  When we were kids, our entire lives were made up of sparks.  Every day at school was learning something new.  Every sport we tried was different and called upon new skills.  Every year we had new teachers.  This kept our lives interesting. As adults, it is far too easy to settle into a routine and get stuck there.  If that creates boredom, that's not helping. 

Our bodies, our minds and our spirits like a change.  A change for the better.  With that in mind, open yourself up with the eyes of a child, to a new experience this week and see what it might do for you. 

You are worth it. 

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