Thursday, October 29, 2020

How Much is Enough?

In the world of excess and over the top indulgence and on-demand living, how are you supposed to know when something is enough?  Enough free time?  Enough solitude?  Enough excitement?  Enough comfort?  Enough treats?  Enough veggies?  

There is an answer to this--when you feel satisfied.  That is when you know you have had enough.  In life there is a tension between polarities, i.e. a literal pull from one extreme to the other.  Finding the balance between the extremes is the "sweet spot."  This balance enables you to live fully while also living in harmony with your values.  This doesn't imply boring.  

When it comes to chocolate, for me, a lot is usually enough.  I have been a chocolate lover since I was a little girl.  Remember, I am the one who used to order chocolate fudge nut brownie ice cream from Baskin and Robbins.  My flavor cost more, because it was loaded with more!  However, I have trained myself in my adult years to get satisfied with a whole lot less because too much chocolate means too many calories, too many points and too much regret.  My emotions and mood are OUT of balance at that point.  That doesn't feel satisfying.  It feels punishing.   

In today's world of supersize this and all you can eat that--it pays to get acquainted with a smaller plate, a smaller wine glass, a smaller popcorn bowl.  By doing that you train the eye to see a smaller (or right sized for you) portion filling up that vessel.  This tricks the eye and trains the belly to recognize that sometimes eating less actually gives you more.  More freedom.  More room for something else later.  More control.  More peace of mind.  More balance.  And more?....  well, that's for you to ponder.

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