Whether you think you can (fill in this blank.... run a 5K, bake a cake from scratch, lose 20 pounds) or not--you are correct. Thinking that you can do something, having the confidence in your ability to execute your plan is the starting off point. Then, following through on your plan is the critical next step. Finally, reflecting on your accomplishment with self satisfaction builds more confidence and proof that you actually can do what you intended--because you did do it, and it worked out just fine. Whew, that's a lot!
What if, on the other hand, you think you can't do something. What if you start telling yourself things like "I can't lose weight at this age." or "I can't play pickleball." or "I can't learn a new language or instrument." If you decide you can't do something, then you just gave up. Your body eavesdrops on your mind and hears those messages. Then, you find all kinds of ways to prove yourself correct. It goes like this: "Since I can't lose weight now that I am 70 years old, I am going out for DairyQueen whenever I feel like it." BOOM! Therein lies the problem.
It's so important to take time to reflect on what is going on between your ears. Most of us have 70,000 thoughts per day. Most of the thoughts we entertain today are the same, exact ones we had yesterday. If you harbor negative thoughts about your body, your abilities, your weight, your competence, then you will continue to recall those negative thoughts and act on them. None of us want to be wrong. We want to prove our point of view. We will self sabotage to do just that.
This week, consider what you CAN do. Reflect on this seriously and note all the ways (great and small) that you actually DID do what you set out to do. Then, consider what you'd like to have happen now. Consider any self sabotaging thoughts you may have had. Dismiss them. Those thoughts are not helping you, and they are holding you back.
Your dreams are at the ends of those positive, affirming, confident thoughts. Chase those dreams down. Welcome those dreams into your life. Make room for them.
Live the life of your dreams all because you thought you could, and so you did.
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