You can't believe everything you think. Yes, I said that right. Some of our thoughts are simply ideas floating around in our heads--thousands each day with most of them on repeat from yesterday. When more stress is going on, the mind weighs in heavily by rehearsing, rethinking and leaping from one idea to another regardless of whether or not these thoughts are based in fact. This is exhausting. This can cause us to feel badly. This can cause us to do badly. It's a basic process of:
1) think
2) feel
3) do.
Because we have the power to hit the invisible "pause" button when it comes to thoughts (and then feelings and actions), we have the ultimate control. We can choose not to accept our thoughts. We can choose to think differently. We can choose to acknowledge our unhelpful thoughts even though we don't appreciate them. We can redirect our attention to something else entirely and get off this stupid subject. At the very least, we have power when it comes to thoughts, feelings and actions.
With so much of the world in turmoil, now is a more important time than ever before to pay attention to what we are thinking so that we can feel and do differently. It is that simple.
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