Thursday, April 9, 2020

Checking in on Self Compassion

These are tough times, don't we know only too well.  This is no time, however, to be tough on yourself.  That just adds aggravation to an already difficult situation.  Instead, let's wrap a layer of self compassion around your mind, your body, your heart.

Self compassion means that you are as nice to yourself as you are to your best friend.  Your thoughts matter.  They are running in and out of your mind all day long.  If you are playing negative or critical tapes in your head about why you don't measure up--delete those tapes.  They are not helpful.  If you are not eating right, sleeping well, moving your body or drinking your water, your body would like you to show a little more respect.  It needs more goodness now that staying healthy is our numero uno "war" effort.  Being kind in your heart means that you are feeling the emotions that bubble up...depression, anxiety, fear, helplessness, boredom--but you do NOT live there.  You acknowledge those feelings, because they are so real and so legitimate, but you are kind enough to yourself to say that you need even MORE self compassion under the circumstances. 

Some of our usual go to's to cope are not available right now--or they are available in a "virtual" world.  Well, that's the truth, and we can't get out of it for now.  Focusing on that is not helpful or compassionate, so let's move to the all powerful:  WHAT CAN I DO?  For now, for this moment, for this time, what is it that will help me think more clearly, feel better in my body and then feel more fulfillment in my heart? 

Baby steps, littlest of gestures, a smile, a thank you, a grateful heart for what you have might be all it takes to bring that sweet kindness and compassion back in.  We all need it now more than ever. 

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