Since my last post, the world seems to have turned upside down. Not knowing what the new world order is and not being able to congregate in real shared spaces to make sense of things is creating an abundance of anxiety and stress. How could it not.
When the world turns upside down, it is our job, yours and mine, not to resist but to find a way to flow and go with it. That doesn't mean we have to like it. It just means that we surrender to the moment, because the moment cannot be anything other than what it is. Furthermore, this moment is our lives. Precious still. One day, this will be our shared memory.
Instead of battling in your mind, your body, your sleep, your frustration, I suggest you seek out more happiness, more stress relieving activities and more joy in simple rituals or routines. I suggest you acknowledge your feelings of frustration or anxiety. That's real, but know that everyone else who is taking c19 seriously is in the very same boat. None of us knows how to behave as we shelter in place or self isolate or keep our germs at our house.
Here is a list of many repeated suggestions:
Set a schedule. Meditate. Read books. Play the piano. Clean out clutter. Organize closets. Reject the temptation to ingest every piece of information from every media outlet. Don't give in to boredom or stress eating. Drink a lot of water. Schedule snacks. Get outside even in the rain. ... Pray that this too shall pass. And it will.
I have been posting on Instagram a 19 days of covid calm mini 3 breath meditation and some thoughts. Follow me there: Karen Astromsky
I have gotten requests to get my yoga/qi gong you tube subscription up and running--and stay tuned--it's coming.... a gift from the times.
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