Now that we are used to writing "2020" I have been hearing some people say that the new year hasn't really started yet for them. I get it. Sometimes we don't change with the stroke of midnight. Sometimes it takes a while to get into a groove. Maybe you aren't sure what you are hoping for in 2020? Maybe you are sick of being disappointed? Maybe you are frozen? Maybe you are one of the many who will give up your 2020 resolutions by January 17 (the day most people do give them up).
Firstly, there is no need to worry or obsess about this. If you aren't feeling like joining a gym, training for a marathon or investing in protein shakes while creating a minimalist life, it's ok. Being too ambitious is a surefire way to fail. It is tiny steps that count, because they add up, over tiny moments that add up to days, weeks, etc.
Secondly, consider what is making you happy in your present circumstances. Do you like your exercise routine? Do you like the people you go out with? Do you like your clothes? Do you like your job or your volunteer work? If any of these categories are giving you pause, then give yourself some time to wonder. You can't change others, but you can start brainstorming a change for yourself.
The frozen tundra months can feel like a drag, and January can sometimes feel like a let down after a busy holiday time. Spring break is not on the horizon yet. You are stuck inside a lot, with you! That's ok too. I am one of those people not feeling this new year/new you resolution hoopla. I'll be honest. I have lots of projects in the works that will be coming to fruition in 2020. I have my dream house being built that will be completed in 2020. I also have some itches that need to be scratched and some work projects to sort out in 2020, and I am not completely clear on that front yet. Still pondering. It's ok!
One thing I am sure of, and I must remind myself and you--is that when you are not feeling your greatest, or your most energetic or your most protein-powdered up--you are focusing on the wrong thing. ME TOO. Focus on your gifts, your assets, your goodness, your people, your service to others, your wonderful dog who loves you no matter what, and you will be rewarded with happiness. Focus on your shortcomings or icky feelings, and you will be punished with unhappiness. That is no one's resolution for any year. So, move over 2020. You just might have been evolving all along.
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