Thursday, September 12, 2019

Not All Carbs are Bad News

Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap, so much so that there are fad diets that recommend eliminating them altogether--even the good ones.  So, which ones are the "good ones" that are helpful for weight loss, feeling full on fiber and getting vitamins and nutrients?  Fruits and some veggies are good carbohydrates.  So are whole grains like oats, whole wheat, barley, brown rice plus beans and lentils.  Good carbs like whole grains are not necessarily low in calories, but because they are so filling and full of nutrition, they make sense to include in a healthy food plan.

As for the not so good carbohydrates, or the ones that are easy to overeat--those are the foods that we manage wisely.  Potatoes, white pasta, white rice, processed foods, cakes and cookies with white flour--these are the carbs that are high in calorie and can interfere with blood sugar levels.  Diabetics and pre-diabetics beware--we want even blood sugar that comes from eating from all the food groups, in moderate amounts, at regular intervals. 

The food groups are:  fruits and veggies; whole grains; lean animal protein and protein substitutes; dairy and dairy substitutes; healthy fats.  Chocolate and wine are not food groups, neither are potato chips and candy.  They are indulgences that we may like and partake in gladly--but need to be managed for weight loss and weight maintenance purposes.

Research shows that the best eating plan is the one that can be followed and sustained over the long haul.  Eliminating food groups like fruit or whole grains is just not sustainable.  Life is meant to be enjoyed, one moment at a time.  This week, look at your carb intake and notice if there is an opportunity to increase your healthy carbs like adding beans to a salad or trying spiralized veggies instead of white pasta in your favorite sauce.  See what opportunities are out there for you to be more satisfied, one meal at a time. 

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