Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Wagon Is Always Waiting

As we work on weight loss and self improvement, we realize that ups and downs are part of the process.  Just like life, there are good moments and not so good moments and everything in between.  It's so easy to get frustrated when we realize we "fell of the wagon."  Let's consider how normal this is, and then appreciate the fact that we can just hop back on.  It's just that simple.  Another way to consider this metaphor is to remember that the wagon doesn't stop, just like time, it keeps moving.  So, with a bit of momentum and a leap of faith, we can always, always jump back on.

This is a mindset shift that we come to appreciate the longer we pursue our worthy personal goals.  Consider how many great people in history, on your family tree, have talked about "never giving up."  It's a thread in almost every motivational speech.  It colors the background of inventions and discoveries.  It's simply part of our lives.  So, why not accept it and put your energy where it belongs--in the present moment.  Because we can't unfall off the wagon, we move forward.  The more we learn from our experiences, the faster we can jump back in and get back on track.

Progress isn't always pretty, and it certainly is not linear.  We have a lot going on with family, careers, taking care of our health, pets, homes, etc.  It's a lot.  Our attention is scattered, and we simply can't expect to give 100% to every area of our life 100% of the time.  This week, consider an area of your life that you'd like to make better.  If it's as simple as cleaning out winter jackets and putting them away or more demanding like planning a grocery list and meals for the week, give yourself the time to pay attention and just do it.  See how it makes you feel.  It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to move your intention forward.  That's something you can do.  Your life is worth it.

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