I am sitting in snowy Minnesota, on yet another morning of snow, so much snow that I have to shovel so that my 20 pound fur baby, Pippa, can go outside and do her duty, so to speak. This has been an incredibly tiresome stretch for us, setting records for snowiest month--with yet more to come. Kids are home from school AGAIN. I have injured my lower back from all the shoveling. I have been going to acupuncture, taking CBD and forgoing the rower at my gym and cannot shovel the rest of the season.
It makes me think about what it takes, in my mind to make it through. I return to the power of the mindset to shift my thoughts, then shift my feelings, and then shift my actions. This is how I am doing it. First, I notice that my mind is saying this weather stinks. Second, I am going to "reality check" this thought. Does it really stink? Well, for me, yes it does because I have to drive in it. But, for the cross country skiers it does not stink. For people who love the look of falling snow and are home in a clean house, with fun people, and meals prepped and have a home gym and a lavender scented meditation room, NO, for them, it does not stink. Third, I am going to ask myself if this is a helpful thought (to think that this weather stinks). Well, even though this weather stinks for me (that is my reality)--it is not helpful to keep thinking this way. It makes me feel bad, which then makes me wonder about eating something chocolatey to "feel better." Wait--I am the wellness coach. I am smarter than this. Yes, that reality check is true. Yes, that is a helpful thought. That means I am moving onward! That is the virtue of perseverance.
Make no mistake about it. It takes a lot to keep going when you want to give up, give in, go back to bed and not care. The truth is, we do care. We care a lot. We care so much that we DO NOT ever GIVE UP. NEVER EVER. That's how worth it, worthwhile, worthy we are. We cannot ever give up on ourselves. That's all there is to it.
So, for me, today I am going to practice that "fake it til you make it" through the day messaging. I say you might try it too! Why? You are worth it.
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