Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Keep Going: Make it a Habit

When it comes to making healthy food choices more often, it is a mixed bag.  We eat for health reasons--more fiber, good protein, fruits and veggies.  We eat for hunger--more protein, volume, lots of chewing.  We eat for pleasure's sake--molten chocolate cake anyone?  We eat to connect with our family heritage and traditions--holiday food or reunion specialties.  We also eat for reasons that don't serve us--mindless or emotional eating like buckets of popcorn at the movie theater or trick or treating at work with candy dishes everywhere. 

Getting in the habit of making mindful eating choices is a practice we can adopt, but that doesn't mean we won't ever return to our former habits.  Stress gets in the way every single time.  We then revert to autopilot, which is where our former habits have been sleeping.  

This cycle of on again/off again is a reminder that there does not need to be a starting point or a stopping point necessarily.  In fact, we can choose to keep going the very moment we realize we are not doing what we'd like to be doing.  It doesn't mean we have undone all of our good habits.  It doesn't mean we have lost ground.  It just means that we are human.  No judging.    

I think having the courage to keep going no matter how many times we fall off is the humble secret to lasting change.  Punishing yourself for not doing what you wish you were doing is wasting time and eroding positive self esteem.  It makes no sense.  We cannot apply logic to emotion because the head and heart don't speak the same language.  Being smart doesn't stop us from doing things that don't really help.  Think of going to restaurants on an empty stomach and ordering too much food.  Think of running through points on booze on the weekend and having nothing left for food.  If it happened, then let it be done.  Leave it in the past, and decide to do things differently next time.  That's it.  Back to neutral.  That's the new habit we are looking to practice.  

A good life is never done being lived.  Your good life is the one I am referring to.  There is no end to your good health, your supportive relationships, your connections, your hobbies, your belonging.  In the same vein, there is no end to renewing your commitment to living your good life to the best of your ability.  You deserve it.  You want it.  So keep going.

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