Believe it or not, focusing your mind on the negative aspects of your physical body is all it takes to feel bad about yourself. If you feel bad about yourself, then you lower your expectations for yourself and maybe your life. Of course, none of us sets out for this to happen. Images from media, impossible standards, and the unexpected but normal changes that occur over a lifetime are real. Comparing yourself to an ideal of yourself in your 20's isn't helpful, unless you are in your 20's.
Instead of focusing on your body image, muscles or lack thereof, shape or size, what would it be like to focus your attention on what your body can do? What about all that your body has done? Start making a list of every single thing you did today because of your legs. This includes getting out of bed unassisted. This includes walking towards your car. This includes walking away from danger. What about your arms? What have you picked up lately? Whom have you hugged lately? Whose hands have you shaken? What meals have you lovingly prepared for yourself and family? We don't need legs or arms to survive, but we are not giving them up. We only need the torso, neck and head to survive--the parts along the spinal column and brain. It's a humbling way to think about it.
I am keenly aware of body appreciation when I get sick. I recently had a headache and neck ache that wouldn't quit. After a trip to urgent care, two trips to the ER, two Chinese massages, acupuncture and a visit to my internist, I had to stop what I was doing and let whatever strain was in there, heal. I couldn't do my usual Orangetheory workout. I couldn't do all I wished to do in yoga. I couldn't ride my bike. I was frustrated for several weeks. The massage therapist looked at me and said, you are not 22 anymore. Your body is not going to recover as quickly as it used to. Another reminder to appreciate all that I have taken for granted when it comes to what these parts do for me--like producing children. Let's not forget that either.
On our long journey of good living, good health and wellness, we benefit from a reality check once in a while. The reality check for this week is about being body positive. No shaming ourselves or others for being less than perfect. Everyone is less than perfect. Everyone is human. Everyone would look fabulous photo shopped into their lives. Unfortunately, that's not real. That's not helpful. If you are working on your health, weight loss or weight maintenance, then you are putting your energy where it belongs. Let that be the focus of your attention as you silence the judgments and criticism. Reconsider all that you can do with what you've got, and then make the most of it.
This one precious life is yours for the making, one moment at a time.
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