There are many myths when it comes to weight loss. Because we hear them so often we start believing they might be true. For starters, let's consider this one: it's too hard to lose weight after a certain age. While I have even heard tell that some doctors say this to their patients, the fact is this is not true. The truth is that we lose muscle mass as we age--starting in the late twenties. Muscle tissue burns calories even at rest. If we aren't working to build muscle mass as we age, this can be a contributing factor to weight gain. Stress is also a major factor in weight gain. When we are stressed, the body secretes cortisol into the adrenal glands which helps retain belly fat while bringing about cravings for sugar high fat foods. Overconsuming sugar and high saturated fats contribute to weight gain. Stress also helps the mind continue to ruminate over the past and worry about the future. This often results in sleeplessness. People who don't sleep well don't lose weight well and have a harder time with metabolism. As we age, the stressors mount with family responsibilities, job pressures, finances. In short, is it harder to lose weight as we age--yes. Is it impossible--NO.
I have just debunked but one of the weight loss myths that we might buy into. The problem is this could become a self fulfilling prophesy. In that case, we might not even try to shed unwanted pounds because we think it is a lost cause. It is not--it is a "losing battle" that we can win if we face it one moment at a time. We can't be perfect, but we aren't aiming for perfect. We are aiming for better.
Being healthy at every age is a worthy pursuit. Finding new ways to live well, new foods to try, new cooking methods and gadgets (spriralized zucchini "noodles"), new physical activities and new hobbies that bring fulfillment are all part of what keeps us wanting more for ourselves. We are never done evolving unless we give up.
Consider the myths you may be telling yourself that are holding you back. Consider whether they are based in reality or are just something to release so that you can get what you really want. You can have more fulfillment.
Fulfillment is ageless.
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