Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Back to Regular Programming: Assert Yourself to Yourself

It's the Fifth of July.  While lots of people seem to be moving slowly today, it is not the Fourth of July any longer.  That means that we just keep moving along.  We return to regular programming.  We stop eating picnic food and start following  our regular eating patterns.  This is a life skill to practice shifting back to normal patterns after vacation, a hiatus, an illness or a unexpected bump in the road.

This is also the time to simply ASSERT YOURSELF.  Sometimes there is actually no one but yourself standing in your way.  Yes, we know food pushers don't help.  Yes, we know that hearing things like, "come on, we're all going to lunch..happy (meaning coffee sundaes and scones)...just this once..." don't help.  But, let's be real.  The one and only person who gives yourself permission to eat or not, indulge or restrict is you.

Have you been asserting yourself to yourself lately?  Have you been doing what's required as opposed to what you "feel" like in the moment?  Have you been holding yourself accountable to what you really want?

And, by the way, what is that?  What is it that you really want?  A good day on plan?  A good day engaging in physical activity?  A good night's sleep?

Regroup today.  Step away from the long weekend.  March directly and single-mindedly towards your dreams.

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