Just got back from a trip to London with my almost 80 year old mom, my two sisters and my two daughters. Whenever I am gone, I always take an interest in how the locals live their lives. A few things I noticed while in London: 1) a lot of walking to a lot of public transportation that led to more walking; 2) smaller tables in restaurants, smaller chairs and smaller plates and smaller wine glasses and smaller portions; 3) a heck of a lot of pound cake type desserts and "squidgey" sweets piled high, literally everywhere; 4) smaller people; and that infamous quote 5) keep calm and carry on.
Walking is such a good thing to be doing more of. In the US, our lifestyle is set up so that we do not do a lot of walking, unless you are in a major city and do take public transportation regularly, you are more likely in a car driving from door to door. This makes such a huge difference, because it literally is a lifestyle change to walk all the time, wherever you are and wherever you go. It is more pleasant to be outside than inside. It is more calming to the nerves to be moving the body than sitting in traffic. It aids digestion to move at a leisurely pace after eating. This is built-in exercise that can be taken for granted.
While I appreciate the fact that the Brits are smaller in frame--generally speaking, hence smaller tables and chairs, some of them are getting the message. I was in a check out line with an older gentleman at a grocery store. He had a "trolley" of fresh flowers, six pastries, oranges and something else fun. I said to him that I'd like to go where that stuff is going. It looked like a Sunday morning party in the making. He said--OH NO, this is not for me--I have no sweet tooth. I am just running the errand. I can't eat like that--bad for the weight.
I don't understand all the cakes and creamy desserts piled up everywhere like towers including at museums and in Whole Foods like I've never seen, but apparently they are "taken" with tea--which means that people are sitting down to eat leisurely and to take their time and to decompress and to relax with their friends. I would like some of that too. No rushing in restaurants to get done and turn the table. The "keep calm" is on.
I am not pretending that life is perfect in other places or that the grass is always greener. It isn't. For example, I don't know what the problem is when it comes to towel racks, trash cans and toilet paper holders in bathrooms....but I do know that more fresh air and time outside would help us all. I do know that smaller portions, while sitting down will help too. I do know that seeing people, face to face, for leisurely encounters would destress.
Obesity rates are up because cheap food is more readily available and obviously affordable than healthier food. Cheap food is caloric, sugary, salty, fatty and lacking nutritional value. I cannot change the world, but I can change my behavior, and I can help you change yours. Try adjusting your lifestyle just a little bit to be more actie outside and more thoughtful and slow inside when it comes to meals.
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