Sunday, March 26, 2017

How Gratitude and Mindfulness are Weight Loss Tools

Three years ago I started my yoga certification journey.  This has involved lots of expensive training, self study and reflection.  At my first Level 1 Training, the instructor wore a yoga shirt that said "gratitude" on it.  I had no idea how yoga and gratitude were connected?  I was too new to even ask.  Then, a few months later, I went to my Level 2 training and conference where the yoga boutique sold "gratitude" t shirts.  Again, I was wondering--what's the deal?  Wherein lies the connection between yoga and gratitude?

At this point, several years later, I am happy to report that I figured it out.  When people are grateful, they are NOT JUDGING.  They are living in the moment, slowing down long enough to pay attention to what IS and WHAT IS POSITIVE and not focusing even one minute on what is not.  Oprah likes to find three things every day to be grateful for.  She's OPRAH!  Aren't these things obvious to her?  Apparently not. Sometimes, she says she scrapes the bottom of the barrel and is grateful for her eyebrows.  You get the picture.

This brings us to mindfulness.  The buzz word of today.  When people are grounded in the present moment, they are mindful.  They pay attention to what is with NO JUDGING.  There it is.  These two practices are linked directly.  For example, when I focus my senses on what is going on today, I notice the color of the sky, the feel of the cold or warmth or breeze on my skin.  I smell my coffee and taste my food slowly.  I hear things--songs, words or happy dogs barking at the mail person.

How many times over twelve years have I weighed someone who is disappointed in their progress.  I say--you are down ,6.  They say--that's it?  Really?  It should be more--I went to the gym.  I sacrificed.  I did my part.  They are not satisfied with what is, because they are comparing it to something that isn't.  No gratitude there--no mindfulness and plenty of judging and comparing.

We know that judging ourselves and others doesn't lead to happiness  It leads to jealousy and frustration. That is fattening and self sabotaging.  This week, let's stay grounded in the moment as it unfolds.  No rehashing the past and no inviting anxiety about the future.  Pay attention to what is right in front of you.  Pay attention to your feelings, your thoughts, how your body feels.  Notice nature and weather and your yard. Stay grounded in what's real and not technology.  Natural elements are destressing.  Man-made elements are not nearly as calming.  Think of a majestic think of a skyscraper.  Think of walking by the majestic mountain.  Think of taking the elevator in the skyscraper.  It's a wholeheartedly disparate feeling.

Believe it or not, one day you may look back and wish you could do today over again.  You may one day wish you appreciated what you had when you had it because life has presented you with even more challenges.

Let's not waste what goodness we have.  Let's slow down long enough to be glad that this day--is the one we have--let's appreciate it in our thoughts and actions.  It will bring happiness.  And if we feel happy, we do better.  Get on the train.

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