Do you have a SUPER POWER? A power that is unique to who you are? A power that you can call on that reminds you and the people around you that there is something special emanating from you to the environment around you? Of course you do.
With the hectic pace of life and multitasking being the order of the day, we often forget that we have characteristics, special traits, qualities and SUPER POWERS that make us who we are--that we can use to express ourselves, inspire our lives and affect the people and world around us.
Think back to a time and place when you did whatever you wanted to do....without regard for what anyone else might think. Maybe you have to go way back to a time in your youth when you didn't care at all about what others might say about your actions? What were you doing? What made you so happy? What made you feel so fulfilled? What reminded you that life is great, and you are a part of its greatness? Identify that special thing, that SUPER POWER. Name it. Own it. Embody it.
Now spend a moment thinking about those around you. Think about the environment and the energy that you created because you were expressing your SUPER POWER for the good. Can you remember what that was like? Can you remember who influenced by you? Can you remember those feelings you created in yourself and others?
By slowing down to remember what makes us unique and by using what makes us special, we help ourselves and those around us. We find our life feeling vital and important and exciting to live. We wake up with that sense that today, this day, brings something new to be discovered. This keeps us going.
There are always going to be naysayers and haters with their own agenda. However, when we embrace our strength and use our SUPER POWERS for the good, we not only change ourselves for the better, we exude an energy of positivity to those around us.
The road to self improvement has many twists and turns. There are wrong turns, temporary stalls and U-turns. Your wonderful life is found along this road. Let your SUPER POWER drive you.
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