Monday, April 4, 2016

The Things that Weigh Us Down

I am just back from a spring break trip to Mexico, and I packed my workout program, my clothes for it, my beachwear and summery clothes.  I had my sunscreen for protection along with a big hat.  I had comfy sandals for long walks after dinner on the "malecon" (boardwalk in Puerto Vallarta).  What I didn't take with me was worry.

This got me thinking about how heavy it is to carry worry--and what that does to my perception of happiness, self satisfaction and wellbeing.  Of course it is easy to be happy on vacation in a sunny spot with the guy you love...when all your creature comforts are met in grand fashion.   The whole point of vacation is to get away from it all, take a break from the routine and busyness of daily life to relax, recharge, renew.  Unfortunately, however, vacation is only one or two times a year.  The rest of my time is spent living my "real life."

This too got me thinking about how important it is for me to "lighten the load" and only carry what I can handle.  I started mulling over the things that weigh me down in daily life.  Worry, anxiety, sleeplessness, expectation, fear, feeling less than...  For a yoga instructor and a health coach, I talk about these things all the time.  They are truly front and center in my mind.  But, I am still finding myself burdened by some of these "weights."

I decided that while there are problems and issues to cope with regarding my family, the world, etc. I am going to make a concerted effort to not worry over them.  It doesn't mean I won't be caring about them, but it does mean that I am consciously unpacking these things so they don't cast a dark shadow over my day, my sense of happiness and wellbeing.  I hope that this will be a gift from this vacation, i.e. the freedom to not be weighed down by excess baggage.

What might be weighing you down more than you think?  Of course, pounds on the scale are the obvious thing.  But, those pounds didn't get there by themselves.  The things we carry, the places we go, the people we deal with are part of those pounds.  I am encouraging us to look a little more deeply at what might be behind heaviness on the scale.  What might be getting in the way of living a lighter, more carefree life?  What might it take to "unpack" some of those things and lighten your load?  One day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! It's always valuable to be reminded we have choices, not only what to eat, but also how we see things in life. A few minutes each morning, noon and/or night to remind ourselves of that choice can be very empowering and enlightening.
