Monday, November 2, 2015

Create a Healthy Environment for Yourself Wherever You Are

So much of healthy lifestyle depends on our environment.  The physical space, a certain time of day, a certain restaurant smell, the weekend itself are all examples of the environments we find ourselves in.  While it is easier to follow good eating, exercising and sleeping habits when we have complete control, it is impossible to have complete control of every situation that might arise.  Temptations arise.

However, we still have to find a way to make sure that the spaces and places we go become more supportive.  For members who have followed the program for a while, we know very well where our "hot spots" are.  We do our best to avoid them, because we know that is helpful.  In fact, that's the first line of defense.  "Don't sit next to chips at a party if you don't want to eat chips." The best laid plans don't always materialize.  Now that the holiday season is coming right up, we can start contemplating where our seasonal challenges may be and plan accordingly.

For me, it's always all about the sweets.  Not having them in the house is the best way to go. However, people in my house bring things home.  Despite my telling them not to, this continues.  So, I've decided that in order to make the program plan friendly for me, I am going to put those treats as far away from the kitchen cupboards as I can.  By doing that, whenever I go to the kitchen to make a healthy meal, I won't be tempted by the treats.  Having good, healthy meals planned is also a strategy I am going to use.  If I have the healthy options, it will be easier for me to stay focused on what I really maintain my weight and stay in control.

We continue to support our behavioral changes by taking ME TIME--a mini vacation from the rigors of daily life.  The better we feel about our lives, our hobbies, our interests, our social connections, the better we do.  So, despite the busyness of the season, we still need to bring quality ME TIME into the day even if it means little bursts of time away from the desk by walking, stretching and filling up the water bottle.

There is no one-size fits all approach to making eating less and moving more easy.  There is a path to progress, though.  By doing a little bit at a time, one day at a time, we can promote our health and wellbeing and not just get through the holidays but thrive during the holidays.  That sounds calmer already.

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