I just heard it on the plane last night, on my way home from Florida--if the cabin loses air pressure, the oxygen masks will fall down; put your mask on before assisting others. The message is clear--you can't help someone else if you are passed out yourself.
How often do we follow this advice in our regular lives, off the airplane? I think it depends on the situation and the people involved. If young children or sick and injured grown ups are involved, the balance deserves some attention. Resentment is fattening. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed because all the positive energy has been expended on everyone else's needs/wants/desires does not make it possible to lose weight or maintain a healthy disposition.
When my younger daughter, Natalie, was critically ill as an infant, I lived with her for five months at Children's Hospital. There was nothing on my agenda other than keeping her alive. I had one thing to do every day, and that was priority all day and all night. My "to do" list was short. Life or death was hanging in the balance, but my job was singular. Fast forward fifteen years, I am a single mom with two teenagers and my 77 year old mom in my house. I have two part time jobs, and I am counselor to everyone I meet. This could all take me down, if I let it. However, I don't. I have to take good care of myself first, otherwise all the people who depend on me will get a very unpleasant and unhappy wicked witch.
Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in the day. There won't be more. We need quality sleep for wellness and weight loss and brain recharging. We need to plan healthy meals and snacks which includes shopping, prepping, packing, cleaning up. We need to work. We need take care of finances and laundry and the house and car. I have a dog. Pippa needs two long walks per day (a joy for me). We need to connect with our friends, family, community. We need to have fun and fitness. Where will the time come from? It will only come from making taking good care of yourself a #1 priority. NO ONE in your life will make it easy for you to do this unless it is non-negotiable. You are taking the time for yourself so that you can live the healthy life you desire.
Even a few minutes of meditation can restore and renew. A five minute walk away from your desk every hour has major benefits. These are the things to consider when going out with a friend or to a class at the gym is not possible. I like to call it "adult recess." As kids, we ran out of school with our hair on fire, full of pent-up energy, ready to recharge the battery and let loose. We can do that as adults too. We can take that much-needed break and make the most of it. We can leave the workplace and breathe in the sunshine and let loose. Take a walk, a run, a bike ride. Sit in the sun with a book even for a few minutes. Observe nature changing. Enjoy greeting neighbors while walking the dog instead of texting. Make time for fitness. There is no guilt here. There can be no guilt in taking good care of yourself. It is your responsibility. I say that it can also be your joy.
Life is tough enough sometimes. Let's lighten the load. Let's take time to honor ourselves. I give you permission to do it. Now is the time. Let's begin.
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