Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Honesty with Yourself

Most of us consider ourselves to be honest people.  We don't steal at the grocery store.  We don't lie. We follow through on our commitments.  What would the weight loss journey look like if we were just as honest with ourselves?  We have over 200 choices to make every day about food. There is no doubt that we have behavioral changes to make.  We have stress to manage.  We have to step outside our comfort zone.  Are we honest about our true intentions?  Are we honest about tracking food and managing portions?  Are we wishing for weight loss and self improvement, or are we working for it?

It's important to note, that there is a distinction between being honest with ourselves and being too hard on ourselves.  Many mistakes will happen on a regular basis on this path of self improvement. It's just too easy to go awry.  That's not the point, though.  The point is that we are clear in our intentions and follow through in our actions.  That is precisely where the "sweet spot" of self improvement lies.

It sounds so good.  I wish it felt so easy.  I know it is not.  We are human beings not robots.  That means that we have to forgive ourselves when we aren't doing what we'd like to be--and then learn from that--and move on quickly.  There's no judgment and no criticism.  It's simply a learning experience we can use to help us in the future.  For example, if I go home too hungry after a trying day--then I don't make good food choices.  I am better off stopping for a salad bar and then going home.  (true story)

As the sun rises and sets, as the moments turn into hours and then into days--as the weeks become months and years, it is our life that is created.  We all deserve to live the life we desire.  We all deserve to be healthy and happy.  We can choose this path.  One moment at a time will deliver us to the next moment.  And then--welcome to your happy, healthy life.

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