Thursday, May 14, 2015


It's that time of year--the time to spring clean your closets, reorganize your clothes and make way for a lighter, less dramatic season.  It's time to get rid of the clutter that accumulated in the garage over the winter,and make way for the gardening, lawn mowing and planting that lies ahead.  It's really a breath of fresh air both literally and figuratively--that the season brings.

I was reading and someone I know mentioned, that some people choose to have a wardrobe "uniform"--one style of clothing or color that works with everything.  By doing this, their minds are freed up for bigger things.  There is no debate when it's the morning rush and you don't know what to wear.  You might not think this is such a big deal, but I even heard a woman on NPR who works in a creative field in New York that she opted to do this very thing.  Of course, being New York, it's black.  She's got her uniform for work, and she no longer spends any mental energy on her work clothes.  Casual outings, when she has time are a different story.  That's wear her fun and creativity come in.  By doing this, her brainwaves are moving in a different, more intentional direction.

What it comes down to is living your best life.  If the definition of your best life is making time for what really matters to you, quieting the "noise" and limiting the clutter, this might be the way to go.  If your best life involves reducing the piles of paper, shoes, projects, foods on the kitchen counters, then that area deserves some attention.

When we limit what is NO LONGER SERVING US, we are free to pursue our dreams.

What is your dream, now that you are thinking of removing the clutter of daily detritus?  What is your dream for the day?  A walk in the park, a great book, writing a poem, saying a kind word to a stranger, hugging your teenager?  What is your bliss?  Planning a summer vacation, getting through your therapy in one piece, taking a nap with your dog?  What is the best version of yourself?  Are you living the dream that you wish?  Are you creating it?  Are you defining it?  Are you reflecting?

Life is busy, hectic and demanding.  There are endless avenues to stress and tension.  That's only part of life, however.  Create the life you are looking for by first reflecting on what your heart's desire is revealing to you.

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