Thursday, May 30, 2019

Work Your NO Muscles

When it comes to weight loss, there is so much that we say NO to.  It can get tiresome, but the truth is that the more we are exposed to our triggers and master them, the more control we actually have. 

Of course, we don't have to say NO all the time.  This is real life; we don't want to say NO all the time.  We do, however, have to say NO to the foods and drinks that don't matter as much any more.  For example, what about "found food" --those items that you didn't buy or bring--but show up anyway.  We do say NO to things that we don't like enough to say YES to.  And, we do say NO to certain things because we simply want something else far more worthy that's coming up later. 

Strengthening your NO muscles is critical to success.  We need to prove to ourselves that we can resist and survive and go even further--we can thrive because we are creating a life whereby we get more of what really matters.  We aren't missing out.

What about the other KNOW muscle--the one where you KNOW certain things about yourself?  This KNOW muscle can be flexed and strengthened as well.  Each and every time you catch yourself doing the right thing, thinking smart, planning ahead, packing snacks for work, pre-tracking your food, you are flexing your KNOW muscle. 

You have two hands and two arms and two legs.  Let's imagine that one side of your body--let's say the right side (the yang side which is the doing side) is the NO side.  The right side of you doesn't sample or pick up found food or go back for second helpings.  Picture those muscles on that side getting stronger (and burning fat) simply by saying NO.   Imagine the left side of your body (the yin side which is the receiving side, the relaxing side) is the KNOW side.  Think of all the brain power you have working in your favor.  Every time you are mindful and intentional and aware of what  you are choosing, you are getting stronger.

All work and no fun is NOT going to work.  We aren't even going to try.  Some work, some of the time, to get the rewards you really want--with practice and progress that's something to say YES to.  That will work!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Show UP For Yourself

When it comes to creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I often say that some effort is better than no effort.  Some walking is better than no walking.  A brief moment to yourself in the course of a busy day is better than taking no time for yourself.  This is especially important to reinforce when times get tough, and it is only the tiniest of effort that you have left to give.

When it appears that we can't possibly face another challenge or deal with another problem, or even worse--simply keep doing the same thing day in and day out, we benefit from remembering we are worth the effort.  Taking a deep breath and remembering that showing up for yourself is everything.  It isn't always pretty, but it is very normal. 

We showed up for our lives as kids because our parents made us.  They set up our days for us to keep going.  As adults, we have options and credit cards.  We can opt out of doing the right thing because we don't feel like it.  Unfortunately, that's not helpful and leaves us more discouraged.

Every day is different because the present only happens in the moment.  The past is over.  Let that go.  It was yesterday.  The future is not here yet.  Let that go as well, that's tomorrow and thereafter.  The only constant in this mix is you.  What do you want for today?  That's the question to ask no matter what the weather, your job, your people, your struggles, your contentment, your pets, may present to you.   You are always at the center of your life.  And for that reason, you are worth grand gestures and tiny efforts and everything in between. 

Every day, ask yourself how you'd like to show UP... and then do it.  And let it be enough.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Challenge Your Thinking

What are your thoughts like?  Do you notice when your mindset is fixed in darkness or negativity?  Can you tell when you might benefit from checking your thoughts and noticing whether they are based in reality and are helpful or not? 

It takes a lot of focus to steel yourself away from negative thoughts and replace those thoughts with a healthy perspective.  Doing so however, will help foster a growth mindset, i.e. a mindset that helps you see possibilities in your life instead of defeat.  Some call this resilience.

By focusing on a growth mindset, we dismiss unhelpful thinking and can free ourselves to find solutions to problems.  We are free to create a new reality instead of falling into the same old patterns of frustration and self doubt.

So many thoughts rush in and out of our heads all day (and night) long.  It takes slowing down and being mindful (oh, yeah--that again) to realize the quality of our thoughts.  It takes wisdom to objectively evaluate those thoughts and observe whether they are fixed in absolutes (always/never) OR whether it's possible to shift the mindset to being more open and positive.  It will feel different, in a good way, and it will enable us to move forward instead of staying stuck in old patterns.

No matter how young or old, we can all benefit from challenging negativity with positivity.  Let no one--including yourself, stand in the way of your progress and potential.  See where it might take you. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Protein is a Powerhouse

When you are physically hungry--protein is the answer to the problem.  Protein delivers because it is digested slowly, which means that you feel fuller longer.  Eating a healthy protein with every meal and maybe even every snack is a great way to go for weight loss, muscle tear repair that occurs from heavy exercise and for overall good health. 

Protein is considered a major food group along with:  fruits and veggies; whole grains; dairy or dairy substitutes; and healthy fats.  Some say that the magic combination of foods to solve a hunger problem AND get satisfied comes from a protein, a healthy carbohydrate and a healthy fat.  That might look like a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread with apple slices or sliced turkey in a whole wheat wrap with avocado. 

Protein is fuel for the body.  The grocery shelves are full of an enormous variety of bars, powders, drinks, yogurts, shakes, meal replacements, etc.  If these products include added sugar, they are not  the best option for weight loss purposes.

This week, consider how satisfying your meals and snacks are.  Do you feel you are getting enough protein so that hunger goes away, for at least three hours?  Do you need to add more protein to your intake?  From animals to fish to vegan options like beans, lentils and tofu, there is something for everyone to enjoy.  Explore something new and see what it does for you.  You have nothing to lose but hunger.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating starts early in life, i.e. with moms nursing babies. Food as love.  It continues with all the food as reward messages we get about "being good" and getting dessert or getting hurt and having a cookie to "make it feel better."  The problem is that no amount of eating will ever be adequate enough when it comes to coping with emotions. 

From the saddest and most tragic feelings to the most blissful and everything in between, as human beings we are capable of feeling anything at any time, for no apparent reason.  In fact, we can feel the way we do, just because we do.  Another truth is that emotions don't stay in the same position at the same intensity forever.  Things shift.  They shift with perspective, with time, with talking it out, with maturity, with more understanding, with better weather. 

Pretending isn't the solution when it comes to dealing with life's ups and downs and all that comes with them.  Pretending is denial, and that can be fattening just as much as getting carried away at a party and overeating or drinking too many beverages.

As adults, it is part of our healthy development to deal with what comes our way, at work, at home, in our communities.  It is also part of our healthy development to rewrite our story about how we handle our personal feelings.  For starters, because we have feelings, we are entitled to them--and they don't have to make sense to the logical brain.  That's it.  We can feel sad if we do even if everyone else is feeling happy.  We can also feel "meh" for no apparent reason and not want to go to happy hour.  We can feel elated when our children go away, and we have an empty nest.  We don't have to share our feelings with untrustworthy people.  Naysayers and deniers who say things like "you shouldn't feel that way" or "that's not the worst thing" or "you have nothing to be upset about" are not safe to talk to about something so touchy.

Since we are on the weight loss and weight maintenance healthy path, one thing is certain--eating our feelings will never solve our problems or help with weight.  Feelings don't taste good anyway.   

This week, find ways to get busy with people, places and activities that make you feel good about yourself.  Boost your self esteem and self awareness.  Discover ways to manage uncomfortable feelings like taking a walk, listening to a podcast or taking deep breaths.  At the very least, get away from the temptation of snacking.

Food is fuel for the body.  Emotions are barometers on the heart.  Be kind to yourself and take a moment to notice the difference.