Sunday, January 31, 2016

Thrive on Your Enthusiasm

I have met so many people lately who are fired up and ready to make a lasting change in their lives. It's infectious, i.e. the enthusiasm, the desire to live a better life and to live a healthier life.  It all sounds exciting.  However, behind that spark is the hard work it takes to get from here to there.

Cliches abound.  Life is a journey not a destination.  Enjoy the process.  Keep your eyes on the prize. Take baby steps.  Be patient.  Be persistent.  Let it go!  Which one, if any of these works for you?

To be accurate, it just might be a gift from the universe to be in an uncomfortable and unhappy place. It's a dark chance to stop, take stock and look around.  It's a time to realize that "this" whatever "this" is to you is no longer acceptable.  If it weren't for these difficult times that we all suffer through, we would never muster the courage to make a change to begin with.  We can actually use that hardship to our advantage by deciding to move away from it.

It might be helpful to dream BIG.  What might that happier, healthier future and all that comes with it look like?  It is the carrot not the stick approach.  What do I get out of the deal anyway?  For example, if I am going to get up early to exercise instead of sleep longer, how will that actually happen?  What's in it for me?  If there is no BIG dream motivating an early rise, then I am sorry to say, it probably won't happen very often.  Sleeping at 5AM sounds better than getting up in the dark and working out to a person who has no compelling reason to make a change.

This brings me back to the truth.  Change is hard.  It comes from a tough spot.  Yet behind it, the desire for something better is so overwhelming and valuable.  And yes, old-fashioned hard work is involved.  To be fit, to eat nutritiously, to resist temptations, to get quality sleep, to engage in fulfilling hobbies, to manage stress--and all the rest of it take time, attention, prioritization and oh, yes, desire.

With this in mind, dig deep.  What is it that you are really looking for on your path to health, wellness, fitness, wellbeing, happiness?  What harsh truths might you have to face to make these dreams real?  Are you up to the task?  Are you up to the work that is required to self improve?  Can you see small steps as huge leaps in the right direction?  Can you forgive yourself for not being "perfect" and being human on the road to more?

Surviving is not enough for most us.  We seek to thrive.  I encourage you to thrive on your own enthusiasm.  Let it drive you along your path to self improvement.  It will be worth the ride.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Mindful Living

First, we think something.
Second, we act on it.
Third, we live with the consequences.

There are so many blogs and twitter feeds about positivity, positive thinking, daily meditations on life, thoughts for the day, etc.  Not all of them are helpful or even great, but they all share a similar purpose, i.e. they try to help people look at things more positively so they can live more fully.  I am all for that, because it works.  In fact, mindful living makes it easier to say yes to what we really care about and no to things that don't matter.  Mindful eating means we choose the food we love, and we leave the lesser options alone.  It means we slow down with our eating, savoring every bite.  We limit distractions and make the most of the moment.

There are so many thoughts that run through our minds all day long.  They are not all positive, nor should they be.  Sometimes negative thoughts can protect us from impending danger.  However, when it comes to behavioral change, the more positive we can be, the better results we will achieve. Often, when I am coaching someone, he will say to me that he can't do this or that or the other. Eventually, I stop him and say--tell me what you can do.  Let's reframe this conversation to what is possible because that's where the change happens.  We can be realistic too.  While maybe you can't get to the gym because of sick people at home, you can close the door for two minutes and breathe deeply and then make a cup of tea.  That's positive and intentional, mindful and restorative.  It's not the same as going to the gym, but you couldn't get there anyway, so forget about it.  Focus on what you can do.  Let everything else fall away.  Those negative thoughts do not serve you.  Free yourself from them.

I know it is not possible to be positive and intentional all of the time.  However, moving towards a more mindful life where you take the time you need for the things that matter to you will quiet some of those negative thoughts.  Then, it will help those negative behaviors from creeping in as well.  (I can't work out so I might as well pick up take out fast food.)  In addition, it will balance all that you do that is good and hopefully paint a much more realistic picture of your life.  No one's life is all pluses or all minuses.  There are parts of both in everyone's life.  That's normal.  Of course, we like the positive times more than the negative.  That's normal too.

Watch what you are thinking.  Then watch what you are doing.  Do your thoughts and actions match the mindful, intentional life of good health that you are looking for?    If so, keep it up.  If not, go back and try to discover where the breakdown occurred.  Try again the next time.  Keep going. That's it.  No need to belittle your efforts.  Keep going.  You will get where you want to go as long as you don't give up.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Pick Yourself Up and Move Forward

I've been hearing a lot of booing and hooing this week about staying focused and on track.  It happens to everyone at some time or other.  Living a busy life gets in the way of planning meals, cooking and packing meals, getting fitness in, managing stress, sleeping well and enjoying fulfilling experiences and hobbies.  That's a tall order.  I didn't even mention work.  Here are some basic ideas to keep you focused and in the moment:

Step 1:  Be realistic.  What can you do?  What is possible given the kind of schedule you have with the demands on your time?  Then, what will you do?

Step 2:  Set small goals.  Make them doable so that your health and wellness aspirations don't add to your stress.  Maybe a small goal might be taking a ten minute "recess" twice a day.  Walk, drink water.  Leave your phone at your desk.  Maybe a small goal might be picking up a nutritious dinner from the grocery store deli just to make life easier.  Take the help where you can get it.

Step 3:  Be honest.  Everything in your life is not an A-1 priority.  What HAS to be done?  What is NICE to get done?  What can WAIT?  Prioritize the list to calm yourself down.

Step 4:  Drink a lot of water.  Whenever you get up to use the restroom--get a drink.  Stay hydrated no matter what the temperature outside.  It helps keep fatigue at bay.  It makes everything work better.  It takes no time to drink water.

Step 5:  Ask for help.  If you are overwhelmed and cannot manage, try talking to the people who might be helpful.  Let them know you need an assist.  Let them know where you are so that you don't feel so burdened and frustrated.

Step 6:  Breathe in and out, slowly, through the nose.  Roll both shoulders back and down. Concentrate on a happy place in nature.  No matter what, the sun is going to rise again tomorrow no matter what happens today.  Stay mindful and in the moment.  That relieves stress and promotes happiness.

Step 7:  Give yourself extra credit.  What is something fulfilling that you can do to help get you through the day.  No, a bouquet of flowers won't solve your problems, but it might be just the pick-me-up you need.  A home facial or bubble bath?  Ten minutes to read a book?  It all counts.

This doesn't sound like a path to healthy eating.  Yet, it is.  The Beyond the Scale program in Weight Watchers has three pillars:

1)  nutrition  -- get it in, healthy meals and snacks and limited treats.
2)  fitness  --get it in, set small achievable fit goals.  See the "fitbreak" app for more ideas.
3)  fulfillment  --get it in, ME TIME, you deserve it. Make it happen.

Have a great weekend.  Stay strong in the windchills and keep moving forward.  The sun will come up tomorrow, and there is more joy waiting for you on the path to your long, healthy, happy life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Welcome Frigid Winter: Welcome New You

We are in the early, cold days of January.  In the past week, Minnesota has been plunged into arctic temperatures.  Not unusual for us, but we hadn't had this kind of "old fashioned" winter all season.  I noticed it made me want to cook more, eat more comfort foods and feel more snuggled in at home. At the same time, I also noticed that with the new year and the new focus on healthier living and managing stress proactively, I was making healthier comfort food choices and no matter what, continuing my rigorous workout routine.

It is this kind of clear focus, determination and attention that gets us results.  There are so many times in a day when it would be so much easier to make the unhealthier choice, to sit instead of stand, to grab a sugary coffee drink and donut. What I am looking for is the healthier option.  I'd like it to be the easier option too.  Thank you, Weight Watchers.  Now that we are counting sugar grams and saturated fat grams, those unhealthier options are looking less appealing.  I am also noticing a decrease in stress levels when I am loading up on healthier choices.  Feeling fuller longer, feeling energetic, counting fewer SmartPoints is a big win.

Our Beyond the Scale approach to healthier living includes managing food, engaging in fitness and promoting fulfillment.  All three parts of the program support a change for the better.  All three parts of the program support each other.  Feeling good is motivating.  Doing good things to keep feeling good is affirmation.  Getting results is the proof we want and need.

Stay strong no matter what the weather brings.  Stay focused on what your heart's desire really is. Stay positive knowing that your hard work will deliver results.  And say hello to new you.

Monday, January 4, 2016


I am hearing it and seeing it everywhere.  Clean eating!  Lose more weight!  My diet vs. your diet showdown!  Exercising is fun and new again!  I have to ask myself, what's new and what's different? Or is this the same old/same old thing?  We follow up the excesses of holiday celebrating, eating and overindulging with a push towards restraint.  Sometime in later January, however, for a lot of people, those "new year's resolutions" start to fade, and the old habits creep back.

Stop the madness, and stop it now.  Every day of the year is a good time to commit to a healthier, happier, more balanced lifestyle.  Every day of the year is an opportunity to balance wants and needs, a little restraint with "mostly right most of the time" and a little indulgence.  In January, we are surrounded by reminders that now is the time to push these goals to the forefront and commit to them. I have to admit, it does make it easier to look at gym clothes at the front of Costco stores instead of the towering gift baskets of chocolate and cookies and cakes.  I'd rather look at Target ads for gym equipment than ads for holiday MnMs in every flavor.  However, that's not enough to make me do anything.  It's a reminder of what I already know.

Taking good care of myself is a commitment that has to be taken seriously year-round.  In Weight Watchers, we do just that.  We set ourselves up for success by tapping in to the reasons why we come in the first place.  We write down our very clear "whys" so that we can refer to them at any time.  We surround ourselves with a supportive group of like-minded people who can inspire us and help us along.  We make efforts and reap the rewards.  We also make choices we regret sometimes, and then we consciously move on.  In short, we keep going.  No matter what.  We keep choosing to move to the future.  That's where our success lies, and we have to keep directing our intentions in that direction:  renewal.

New Year's Day can mark the start of something great.  It can be a continuation of some great things that have already been happening.  It can be a slam of the door to 2015 so that we are unburdened as we go into 2016 with a clean slate.  No matter what, it is a time of renewal on many levels.  Let's keep this cyclical image in mind as we change and grow and travel the circuitous path to self improvement.  Let's commit to continuing this process, getting better at it all the time.  I am in.  All in.  Are you?